Belinda Campbell | Author

Belinda Campbell is a young adult writer from Coventry, England. She currently lives in Leicestershire with her partner and her cat, Goose…

Read more about her here!

1. What inspired you to start writing/creating art, and how has that inspiration evolved over time?

  • I have loved writing ever since I was in primary school! Any sort of creative writing project was my favourite thing to do. I still have my old schoolwork, probably dating back almost 20 years now, which is wild! I'm a huge fan of The Chronicles of Narnia, and watching the first movie all the way back in 2005 made me fall in love with the genre. Over the years, I've always leaned towards more fantastical elements. I've written a high fantasy novel, but I also love magical realism. I'm hoping to start working on a high(ish) fantasy with some dark fairytale elements in the near future!

2. Can you share the story behind your latest work? What was your creative process like?

  • My debut novel Something Wicked actually began as a writing project in my first year of my Creative Writing degree at university. It was in my final year that I came back to the idea, because we had to work on a publication project and I had no idea what to do for it! I wrote a 5-chapter sampler, published it and sent it out to friends and family, and decided this was going to be my debut novel. I finished the first draft in 2022, and spent 2023 editing and revising over and over again. I set myself a publication date of October 2024, and I have managed to achieve that!

3. What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your work, and why are they important to you?

  • Family is a big focus in Something Wicked, so I would say second chances is the main theme. I feel like when people think of second chances, they think of it in a romantic way, but that's not the case with this book. The Hadley family have experienced a lot of tragedy and trauma, and the events of Something Wicked are a chance for them to right their wrongs and not let history repeat itself. It's important to me because I wanted to write a young adult story where there isn't a chosen one, there isn't a huge love story (although there is romance). Yes, it's a witchy and spooky story. But really, it's just about a family who have a second chance at getting things right with one another. 

4.  What advice would you give to aspiring authors/artists who are just starting their journey?

  • Stop going back to edit during the first draft stage!!! I cannot even express how many years I spent stopping after a couple of chapters to go back and edit, and then wondering why I wasn't getting anywhere. Just keep writing, even if you think it's bad and even when you spot your mistakes. You have plenty of time to edit once the first draft is complete!

5.  What role has self-publishing or independent production played in your career, and what have you learned from the process?

  • My self-publishing career is only just starting, but I am still learning how to balance my writing career with my 9-5 job. Some days it's really difficult, especially if I feel that I've poured all of my energy into my 9-5 and I come home feeling burnout. Other days, I can gladly sit and write for an hour or so in the evening. I'm still trying to work out what sort of routine works best for me. Hopefully I will be able to make writing my full-time job one day, but I don't think that'll happen for a few years, so for now I have to make the time to write.

6. How do you connect with your audience, and what has been your favorite moment of reader or viewer feedback?

  • I find that Instagram is the best place for me to connect with my audience. My favourite reader feedback I've received so far is a reader saying that Something Wicked was their first 5-star read of the year. I mean, HELLO?? What an honour!

7. How do you handle challenges like writer's block or creative burnout, and what motivates you to keep going?

  • Self-care is essential. I don't just mean running a hot bath or using a face mask. I think I'm good at knowing when I need to slow down a bit, or knowing when I just need to take a step back if something isn't working. Lots of authors will say the best way to combat writer's block is to just sit down and write, and that can definitely do the trick sometimes, but if I find that I just can't get in the right mindset to be creative then I won't write that day. I know that I'm only going to stress myself out if I try and force it when it just isn't happening. I'm finally in a place where I can accept that it won't always happen and that's fine! Honestly, daydreaming about my characters motivates me to keep going. Thinking of future scenes or snippets of dialogue gets me feeling excited to write again. Sometimes I'll be falling asleep and I'll think of a scene, so I'll grab my phone and make a note of it. My notes app is a wild place.

8. What’s next for you? Can you share any upcoming projects or future creative goals you’re excited about?

  • Something Wicked is releasing October 12th, and I have already started working on the sequel. Right now, I don't have a date in mind, but I am feeling good about it. I'm hoping to have a short story out soon but I can't say any more on that just yet except that it's about the characters in Something Wicked and it's a seasonal-themed story. Make of that what you will...

9. Who are some of your biggest creative influences, and how have they shaped your work or style?

  • I have to thank Jenna Moreci for being the first authortuber I discovered when I first started learning about self-publishing. If you don't know who she is, you need to check out her content. She's basically a self-publishing genius. Some other authors I love are Chloe Gong and Ava Reid. I'm not sure if they've shaped my work/style, but I absolutely love their work!

10. How has your personal life or experiences influenced your writing/art, and are there any particular moments that stand out?

  • You know what, I'm actually not sure if any of my personal life or experiences has influenced my writing. Maybe it has without me even realising, but I try to avoid using aspects of my own life in my character's lives. My life is super boring anyway, so I'm not sure anyone would want to read about it! However, Barnaby the cat was inspired by partner's cat, Sponge. He crossed the rainbow bridge in 2023, but now he forever lives on in Barnaby!


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