Cassidy Cheyenne | Author

Cassidy Cheyenne is a small-town Kansas girl who has been losing herself in music, novels,

and writing since a young age. In her teens, she had poetry published in “The Gold Edition:

2010 Poetry Collection” by The American Library of Poetry, “Stars in Our Hearts: Ambition” by

the World Poetry Movement, and won first place in short stories in the Hutchinson Public Library

Creativity Contest in May 2010…

Read more about her here!

1. What inspired you to start writing/creating art, and how has that inspiration evolved over time?

  • I honestly can’t pinpoint exactly what inspired me to start writing. Since I was a kid I’ve always been creating these stories in my head and at some point I started actually writing them down.

2. Can you share the story behind your latest work? What was your creative process like?

  • My debut novel, Soulless, has been a work in progress for a while. I had the original idea, a few snippets that would eventually become scenes in the novel, come to me as dreams, or when I was zoning out to music. Then it became a fun challenge for me to take those pieces and put the puzzle together.

3. What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your work, and why are they important to you?

  • My debut series, Soulless explores some darker themes surrounding violence, death, trauma, abuse, self-harm, and suicide. My characters are flawed; they make the wrong decisions, they fail, and they are shaped by their past experiences. But they don’t give up, they keep searching for that light in the darkness because no matter what they experienced in the past they still deserve a happy future like anyone else.

4.  What advice would you give to aspiring authors/artists who are just starting their journey?

  • Just go for it! If it makes you happy and you enjoy it - do it! Don’t get caught up in the negativity, whether from yourself or others. Accept criticism, accept that not everyone is going to like it, continuously work to improve yourself, and have fun! Do it for yourself!

5.  What role has self-publishing or independent production played in your career, and what have you learned from the process?

  • I am just starting this journey, so I still have a lot to learn, but I know self-publishing was the right choice for me. This whole endeavor for me is an exercise in self-confidence, proving to myself that I CAN do it. You choose the right path for you. If that path is also indie, know that there are unfortunately a lot of people out there who might try to take advantage of and scam you - so be prepared for that. But there are also a TON of people out there willing to help support you and give you and your work a shot. So don’t give up!

6. How do you connect with your audience, and what has been your favorite moment of reader or viewer feedback?

  • I connect with my audience primarily through social media. Whenever someone makes a post reviewing my book, or just excitedly sharing that it arrived, I feel so elated. I have loved the messages and reviews about how addictive and hard to put down it is, but my favorite reviews have been from people who wouldn’t have typically chosen YA/Paranormal Romance to read. It’s an awesome feeling to know you hooked people who typically wouldn’t give the genre a passing glance.

7. How do you handle challenges like writer's block or creative burnout, and what motivates you to keep going?

  • Writing is my escape, my break from the real world when I need it. But like all authors, I do get writer’s block from time to time. If a certain scene or section is stumping me, or I’m not in the mood to write it, I just jump to something else. I don’t tend to write chronologically. I have a general outline I’m following so I know where the story is going, but I don’t put it together in order. I work on what’s coming to me at that moment and come back to the tricky section when I’m ready to tackle it. But if even that isn’t enough, taking a long drive and cranking some music can get me reinspired and the creative juices flowing again.

8. What’s next for you? Can you share any upcoming projects or future creative goals you’re excited about?

  • Next is the continuation of the Soulless series. Boundless: Part I: Restoration will be released on December 1st, 2024. I am so excited to continue this journey and I hope I’ll continue to grow, learn, and gain new fans and support along the way!

9. Who are some of your biggest creative influences, and how have they shaped your work or style?

  • Music is definitely the biggest creative influence for me. Music has helped me flesh out the world and put myself into the mindset of my characters.

10. How has your personal life or experiences influenced your writing/art, and are there any particular moments that stand out?

  • My personal life and experiences certainly have bled into my writing. Be it in the way certain characters respond or think, or even the darker outlook on life some of them tend to have. There are little parts of me in everything I create.


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