Taylor J. Bridgeforth | Author

Taylor J. Bridgeforth multitasks as an author, reader, podcast host and group fitness instructor. Outside of those immediate interests, she likes to sing karaoke, play Mario Kart, travel…

Read more about her here!

1. What inspired you to start writing/creating art, and how has that inspiration evolved over time?

  • I have always written but didn't know I could be a writer until I started uploading short stories to a blog and a friend said, “I can't wait to read your books.”

    I was like “OH! I should start writing books.”

    From my debut to my novellas I have learned so much about myself as a writer and the journey to publication.

2. Can you share the story behind your latest work? What was your creative process like?

  • I didn't think I could finish You Didn't Tell novella because of the subject matter and a bit of PTSD on my end. However, when I tried to let it go my other works in progress would transition to You Didn't Tell novella so I knew I had to see it to fruition.

3. What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your work, and why are they important to you?

  • I hope in some way shape or form my stories get people talking. That's always been the way I've read books; I love being able to discuss what I've read and how it may or may not relate to real life--which is also how I started ijustreadthisbook--the podcast.

4.  What advice would you give to aspiring authors/artists who are just starting their journey?

  • Time blocking, whether thats early in the morning, during lunch, or at night; whatever your schedule allows. OR set words per day to accomplish. OR writing prompts to either get the juices flowing before a writing session or to explore your imagination.

5.  What role has self-publishing or independent production played in your career, and what have you learned from the process?

  • Indie publishing is always changing. It helps to have some writer friends who are in the clenches with you to bounce ideas off each other. I prefer indie publishing because I'm a control freak and not good with patience:)

6. How do you connect with your audience, and what has been your favorite moment of reader or viewer feedback?

  • I am an open book. Whether its comments or DM's I welcome a nice chat. I'd say I connect with the majority of people on Instagram.

7. How do you handle challenges like writer's block or creative burnout, and what motivates you to keep going?

  • Writers block: the horrible cliche, just write. It might not make sense in the moment but its words on paper you can then edit. 'You can't edit a blank page.'

    Burnout: I like to set aside weekends every month where I don't do anything and set that time to recharge.

    I keep going because I am a creative more than I am anything else.

8. What’s next for you? Can you share any upcoming projects or future creative goals you’re excited about?

  • My friend Azaria and I have started a weekly YouTube channel, For Pookie, where we talk our writing journey. It's another way for me to create.

    As of right now, I don't have any novellas in me so I will be working on by second novel which will be a duology.

    As well as attending some book conventions as an author. I definitely feel I make a better connection with readers face to face than online. And I get to travel!

9. Who are some of your biggest creative influences, and how have they shaped your work or style?

  • Nicola Yoon and Kennedy Ryan are my 'writing moms.' When I read 'Everything Everything' by Nicola Yoon, I realized I can write black characters and they'd be accepted.

    Kennedy Ryan, I just want to be invited to the BBQ

10. How has your personal life or experiences influenced your writing/art, and are there any particular moments that stand out?

  • I wrote my debut, 'Better Luck Next Time', because it was the book I needed when I was a teenager.


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