Black Rose | Author

Black Rose

Born in a world of high expectations, the author never deters from proving her worth to anyone who questions her ability to sustain and thrive. She welcomes her reader to her imaginary world. A world where anything and everything is possible and attainable…

Read more about her here!

1. What inspired you to start writing/creating art, and how has that inspiration evolved over time?

  • I was still in school when I finished watching The Vampire Diaries and I was so devastated with the ending Stefan received that I decided to create an ending of my own. And why I made my friends read that, they loved it and encouraged me to write more. And gradually, when I couldn't find the kind of stories I wanted, I started creating them.

2. Can you share the story behind your latest work? What was your creative process like?

  • My latest work was my dark romance debut novel, Addictive Love. My brother, da Knight is the co-author and I couldn't have been more grateful for him. We used to sit together for hours to find the perfect story, the perfect twist, the perfect plot. And sometimes when I lost motivation to write, I stopped writing all together and watched movies and shows, listened to songs and read and read. And the inspiration striked naturally.

3. What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your work, and why are they important to you?

  • My main theme I wish to convey from my work is that love always finds a way. And hope always wins. And when you couldn't find any of that in the real world, lean on to the fictional one.

4. What advice would you give to aspiring authors/artists who are just starting their journey?

  • Trust your gut. Write exactly what you wish to. Do not listen to people who do not value your work. But be open to constructive criticism because there's always room for improvement. Even I learn something new everyday.

5. What role has self-publishing or independent production played in your career, and what have you learned from the process?

  • The decision to self-publish was one of my best. I learned that there are people out there willing to help you, support you and love you and your work. And your efforts do come to fruition one day. Even on the low days, don't give up!

6. How do you connect with your audience, and what has been your favorite moment of reader or viewer feedback?

  • I usually connect with my audience through instagram and emails. And I love when people tag me in their reviews and edits. It gives me all the boost I need. There was this reviewer who said - "This book fucked me up. I AM OBSESSED." Pardon the French here lol, but reviews where people say they feel connected is the best moment.

7. How do you handle challenges like writer's block or creative burnout, and what motivates you to keep going?

  • I don't force myself to write when I feel a writer's block. I stop thinking about it completely and do all the fun stuff. And when the time is right the littlest of things like rain can create the mood for me to write.

8. What’s next for you? Can you share any upcoming projects or future creative goals you’re excited about?

  • Next is actually Book 2 in The Deathly Love Series. It gets way darker than the first book. And I cannot wait for people to read it.

9. Who are some of your biggest creative influences, and how have they shaped your work or style?

  • My biggest creative influences are songs and nature. Sometimes when I look at the Moon in the sky, a scene so vivid strikes me that I have to rush for a pen and paper lest I forget. Sometimes, so many of my scenes are solely based on a lyric from a song.

10. How has your personal life or experiences influenced your writing/art, and are there any particular moments that stand out?

  • The support of my parents and that incessant need inside of me to prove myself to the world have personally influenced me so much. Also, sometimes my book contains what I can't have in real life.

Book 1 in The Deathly Love Series! *(rated for dark romance)*


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