Mikayla Myers | Author

…I write my stories in the hope that the younger technologically advanced generations grow a love for reading like I did as a teen. While I specialize my work with Dark Romance, I’d rather not be typecasted, and have plenty of other genres in process now just to cater to a bigger audience…

Read more about her here!

1. What inspired you to start writing/creating art, and how has that inspiration evolved over time?

  •  I would say what inspired me was my love of reading. Ever since I was a kid, I read a lot. Now as an adult, nothing has changed. The way an author creates entire worlds and kingdoms that immerse the reader was my inspiration to write. I'm a great public speaker and my friends, co-workers, and family have always said I'm an amazing story teller, so writing was an obvious choice of expression. 

2. Can you share the story behind your latest work? What was your creative process like?

  • The series I have released, The Unholy Trinity, was a combination of my thirst for research and knowledge. Having grown up catholic, as an adult, I found myself not coinciding with that specific belief system, and I am now pagan. That being said, I’ve always been fascinated by organized crime and so naturally, I wanted to write a mafia story that surrounded a family. Or in this case, a couple families. I didn’t want it to be like every other novel you read about the mafia, so I decided to develop my characters with the help of religious figures. Lucifer, Satan, Archangel Michael etc, their stories are extensive, all I did was add my own spin and perhaps have people see another side of what the scriptures detailed about them. I wrote a story with the ending moral of every human being has a dark side. You need to make a conscious effort to be good. Being good, loyal, honorable is hard work. The rewards are just that but also you never know what you're willing to do when the ones you love are put in danger....

3. What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your work, and why are they important to you?

  • I guess my message is, reading is fun. In a world full of pain, heart ache, trials and tribulations, reading can be an escape. I want to draw emotion from my readers, I want them to question my perspective, I want debates to be had because only in true communication will your thirst for knowledge be quenched. 

4.  What advice would you give to aspiring authors/artists who are just starting their journey?

  • Just do it. Put aside the “what if's,” the “I don’t knows” and just do it. You may surprise yourself. I know I did.

5.  What role has self-publishing or independent production played in your career, and what have you learned from the process?

  •  I learned it's hard and tedious, but also, it provides you with a certain freedom you don’t necessarily get with publishing houses. Self publishing helps you own your entire piece and its quite fulfilling to have every part of your product in your own hands and not fighting anyone to agree with you.

6. How do you connect with your audience, and what has been your favorite moment of reader or viewer feedback?

  • Usually through social media. My favorite moment is when I get a reader who has strong religious beliefs telling me they admired my perspective, weren’t offended, and I had them open to discussing the details of my books. I thrive on both positive and negative feedback, and I enjoy responding to both constructively. The readers are what keeps authors evolving. 

7. How do you handle challenges like writer's block or creative burnout, and what motivates you to keep going?

  • I walk away. My father was an accountant, as am I, and his first lesson to me was when it doesn’t balance, walk away and do something else. Then, come back to it. Since I do not outline my writing, I write on the spot. Writer’s block is devastating to me, but once I clear my mind, I usually push through and continue through it. Ideas come to me at any time of day and I take notes to remember the random ideas I get no matter where I am.

8. What’s next for you? Can you share any upcoming projects or future creative goals you’re excited about?

  • I loved writing the Trinity, so I am expanding the mafia universe to include other underworld figures some without celestial intervention. I'm currently writing about the Irish mafia from Chicago and the best part is some of the characters from the Trinity series appear. It’s nice to put easter eggs throughout the story for those readers who read their books first.

9. Who are some of your biggest creative influences, and how have they shaped your work or style?

  • Stephen King shaped my attention to detail. His writing, while sometimes terrifying, showed me that it was important to describe in detail characters, locations emotions etc, so that the reader understands the feeling behind the piece. Edgar Allen Poe showed me that dark writing can be beautiful if done right. Sometimes emotions are dark, and he showed me to explore them. It doesn’t mean you're dark, its just an outlet to reach the light.

10. How has your personal life or experiences influenced your writing/art, and are there any particular moments that stand out?

  • Every one of my characters have certain attributes from my family, friends, and people in my life. A lot of my character development also includes a lot of me, I don’t have just one moment that stands out just a lot of people who contributed to my work just by being in my life.


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